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Architecture and Planning


via Tommaseo, 9 - 26900 Lodi - tel. / fax +39 0371 424525 e-mail -


The Office is located in a former industrial building totally renewed to accommodate the Tadi & Associated.

It is located in the city centre close to the railways station in a vast open space.

Tadi & Associated is a young and dynamic practice founded in 1999. Its activities are in several areas: Architecture, Urban Design, Planning, Transportation, Interior Design. For each individual field specialists working in the sector.

The specific design approach tends to fuse experience, innovation and use of advanced  technology with the knowledge of each individual context.  

Great space is allocated to research both from a point of view of the relationship with the structure of the city and settlement, both from the point of view of Technology and construction materials.

The Office has its own characteristic by an Integrated approach to the multidisciplinary problems of Design.